A downloadable game

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Well, I would rather say why not?!
I mean, you have probably played a lot of games during your gamer experience or "gamer career", but HAVE YOU EVER PLAYED AS A CHAIR?
In this game you play a chair, nothing like an RPG or a First Person Shooter, it is no Battle Royal or Chess Game or whatever you know, it is a chair life simulator (if you can admit that a chair can have a life... Yeah I know it can be hard to imagine)!


So now that you know why I've created this... thing... Let me tell you more about what you are going to do there.

Objective :

As a chair, your main objective is to let people sit on your plate... pretty obvious right?
Allow Kennys (Yeah, I have given a name to the guys (no female yet sorry :/) who want to sit) to sit as much as you can. Be careful, more and more Kennys will want to take a sit and you will unlock new chairs to continue your mission!
If 3 Kennys fall on the ground because you haven't put your chair underneath their tiny arses, you LOSE (and you don't want to be a loser right)!

Let's complicate this a bit :

If the game was just about having the highest score when playing as a chair that needs to allow Kennys to sit, this would be kind of boring. So there is something more.
There are 3 levels of difficulty (easy, medium, hard), the harder you choose the more input zones there will be! Let me be a bit more precise.

Easy Mode : Standard inputs in the whole zone (ZQSD or WASD, you will be able to chose)(The zone is YELLOW).
(insert image somewhere here)

Medium Mode : 2 input zones :
--> WASD (or ZQSD) (YELLOW).
(insert another image somewhere here)

Hard Mode : 3 input zones :
--> WASD (or ZQSD).
--> TFGH.
--> IJKL (Ahaha, things are going to get messy here you will see!) (BLUE).
(insert another other image somewhere here)

As you may have understood, when you enter one of these zones, the inputs to control your chair, will change! But, because I am not a mean guy, there are obvious colors (sorry for color blind people:/) indicating the areas.


I am mostly known for my artistic works? ... nope!
I wanted to try Unity3D Art ... yes!
Why? ... yes!
Ok? ... yes!


The game is still in development so, yes, there are some issues I reported to myself... You will also encounter some problems, I am sure of it, so feel free to let me know what happened with a screenshot and/or a short description.

Issues :
  • Kenny is blocked. His walking animation is still running.
  • There are more indicators (top-center) than there are actual Kennys looking for a sit.
  • I can pass through obstacles (and invisible walls).
  • The score is still increasing even if the game is over.
  • I still hear the sound of "poping Kenny" when the game is over.
  • When a new chair is available, the current chair's input set is switched to WASD (or ZQSD).
  • The physics is pretty f***ed up (Yeah I know, some strange things are happening sometimes... video games physics you know...).


What would be an highscore game without a leaderboard?
(Yeah, I know, I could implement that in the game, but I'm too lazy at the moment, sorry my friends)

  1. BiOniK --> 1550
  2. SomePlayer --> SomeScore
  3. SomePlayer --> SomeScore
  1. BiOniK -->
  2. SomePlayer --> SomeScore
  3. SomePlayer --> SomeScore
  1. BiOniK -->
  2. SomePlayer --> SomeScore
  3. SomePlayer --> SomeScore

If you want to be a part of this (wonderful) leaderboard, post a screenshot of your highest score and its difficulty.
Please, don't ruin it, don't hack your score (I know some of you will want to do that to get some respect but, you don't need this, I already respect you for reading this description till this part!)!


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

ChairMania_Game_V0.1_Executable.zip 21 MB


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(1 edit)

Tout simplement une pépite du jeu indé !

Par où attaquer ChairMania ? 

Brillant mais sans jamais tomber dans le conventionnel, on peut lire "Mania" comme la manie qui vous habite lorsque vous tenez ce bijou entre vos mains.

Loin d'en être à son coup d'essai, Guillaume Perray nous démontre une fois de plus ses capacités à surprendre le grand public grâce à une ambiance délicieusement effrontée qui ne manquera pas de nous rappeler "Birth of a man", un autre trésor du jeu vidéo du même artiste. Si vous avez aimé ce dernier, vous avez dû vous frotter les mains à l'annonce de ChairMania.

Guillaume Perray n'a ici pas montré de volonté de révolutionner son style graphique et s'en cantonne à une charte simple mais pas dénuée de charme, qui saura faire son petit effet grâce à son univers atypique, riche et intriguant. On retiendra surtout les superbes danses des personnages comme un chef-d'oeuvre en matière d'animation.

En bref, si vous n'avez pas encore eu le plaisir de jouer à ChairMania, qu'attendez-vous ?

*je rougis*
Tant d'éloges, tant d'éloges !

Merci les copains :P

(4 edits)

L'expérience était tout simplement incroyable ! 

Le menu est si riche de sens,  la chair qui s’exprime à travers la danse  qui expliquera plus tard la fatigue des corps à la recherche d'un repos salvateur. J'ai réellement ressentit tout les enjeux de la vie tumultueuse d'une chaise,  des tissues adipeux des rectum d'hommes marchant sans but  à l’impossibilité de bouger ses pieds de bois ,  je suis sous le choc !

Bravo, stupéfiant ! Une larme coule sur ma joue au moment  ou j'écris ces lignes.

Ahahahah ! Bordel ! Tu m'as fait trop rire !
Mais qui aurait cru que la vie d'une chaise puisse être aussi trépidante ?!


Deleted 110 days ago

Oh shit ! Je crois que j'ai fais tilt ton cerveau (ou  le miens peut-être) ? Ton commentaire me laisse pantois, je ne saurais dire si tu te fous complètement de ma gueule ou si tu es ironique as fuck ?
En tout cas content que tu ai pris le temps de commenter cette expérience si "unique" :D !

A bientôt pour plus de jeux WTF !